Parole Di Ghiaccio- Emis Killa

One of my favourite songs. Basically I will let you read my favourite words.

“Guardare il paradiso da fuori
senza poterci entrare,parole d’amore,parole amare
le prime sono sempre più rare
e tu continui ad urlare
che non sono più piaciuto ai tuoi
dimenticandoti che tutto ciò è piaciuto a noi,
e ora la rabbia mi imbocca di cattiverie
mentre lanci i piatti
io prendo a calci le sedie
grido:”Fatti vedere!”


Looking out from heaven
without being able to enter, words of love, bitter words
the former are increasingly rare
and you keep screaming
which are no longer liked to your
forgetting that everything we liked,
and now I take the anger of malice
while throwing dishes
I’ll kick the chairs
cry: “Let me see!”

Lose someone.

Lose someone.

How hard is lose people you love t. Suddenly they aren´t there anymore. Something painfull grows inside you. deep in side. You cry, but does the pain goes away?. I may say no. Because of that I recommend you love as long as you can. Enjoy the life, smile to your friends, spread peace, so even when you lose people you love, you can keep memories.